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Are men desperate if they look overseas for love?



Western men wanting foreign wives has become a topic of discussion for many, many years. Typically seen as, and some people still argue that this is due to desperation, while others believe it’s just a personal preference. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into what desperation means and whether or not it’s appropriate to describe these men. And being Ukraine Matchmakers we know a thing or two about this

Desperation is a feeling of being in such a dire situation that one is willing to take risks to change it. This is the definition according to the Cambridge Dictionary. The word “desperate” has often been associated with men who travel to foreign countries to find wives. However, it’s important to note that this does not necessarily mean these men are willing to accept anything. It simply means they are willing to do something they would not normally do to find an acceptable partner.
Men travel to other countries for various reasons. Some go to get a better education, while others find better job opportunities. There is no reason why a man cannot go to another country to find a woman he deems better suited. This is why the term “desperate” may not be appropriate in this context.

The stigma surrounding men who travel to foreign countries, whether they use a Ukriane dating agency or matchmaker or not, to find wives comes from documentaries and online horror stories that depict the worst-case scenarios. One such documentary is the AFA one called “Love Me,” which follows the lives of four men who travel to Ukraine to find wives. These men are often portrayed as helpless, undesirable and unrealistic for seeking out women with 30-40 year age gaps. This is simply unrealistic, but they were sold a dream that could be possible. So should the term be gullible and unrealistic?

It wouldn’t be fair to use the term “desperation” in association with men willing to accept anyone as a companion due to loneliness. A decision made out of scarcity.

However, this is not necessarily true for men who travel to foreign countries to find wives. These men seek specific qualities in a partner they may not find in women from their home countries. This is not a sign of desperation but rather a personal preference.

Furthermore, it’s essential to understand that men who travel to foreign countries to find wives are not necessarily unable to find partners in their home countries. They are simply looking for partners they deem to be better suited. This also is not a sign of desperation but rather a personal preference.

In conclusion, “desperate” may not be the appropriate term for men who travel to foreign countries to find wives. These men are simply looking for partners they deem to be better suited for them, just like they would travel to other countries for a better education or job opportunity. This topic’s stigma comes from documentaries and horror stories depicting worst-case scenarios. However, it’s important to understand that these men seek specific qualities in a partner they may not find in women from their home countries. But that is not to say men with unrealistic expectations do not exist.

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